2021 - Arc Ensemble new production A new production produced in early January 2021 in Toronto with a great team ...Suite...
2020 - Luc Beauséjour - Album de piano - À venir 2020 - Luc Beauséjour - Piano album - Post-production Suite...
Nov 2019- Recording of Kent NAGANO who directs BRUCKNER's "ROMANTIC" symphony with the OSM Nov 2019- Recording of Kent NAGANO who directs BRUCKNER's "ROMANTIC" symphony with the OSMSuite...
Nov 2019- Recording of the Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg: Brahms & Beethoven Recording of the Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg under the direction of Kent Nagano: Brahms & BeethovenSuite...
Nov 2019 - Recording Domaine Forget ( info to follow) Nov 2019 - Recording Domaine Forget ( info to follow)Suite...
Oct 2019 - Recording of the Boston Symphony Orchestra BSO at the Boston Symphony Hall Oct 2019 - Recording of the Boston Symphony Orchestra BSO at the Boston Symphony HallSuite...